Geschrieben am 24.02.2024
von SR

07:30 – 09:30am: Meditation and illustration about the Zen culture and history, Zen philosophy, and Shaolin Temple culture and history. Group photo
09:30 – 10:00am:休息 (short break)
10:00 – 11:00am: Tea, snacks, fruits, tea sets. Zen tea (the relationship between Zen wisdom with tea; Zen history stories sharing, taste and interaction). Group photo
12:00 – 13:45pm: Lunch and break
14:00 – 15:45pm: Zen Calligraphy Taoism experience and illustration
16:00-17:45pm: Standing meditation, breathing meditation, warm-up and basics, Qigong form study, and illustration
17:45 – 18:00pm: Questions time and group photo. Happy ending!

Zen master Jackie Ziyun Ho(贺子云), Dharma name Shi Yanlong(释延隆), was born in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China. He graduated with a degree in English from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Ziyun has travelled to over forty countries and regions, eventually secluding himself for sixteen years in Mount Song (Songshan) to meditate, attain enlightenment, and study calligraphy and painting. He became a disciple of Shi Yongxin, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple in Mount Song, China, adopting the Dharma name Shi Yanlong. He is recognized as a 34th generation Shaolin Chan (Zen) and martial arts successor, and holds a 7th Dan in Chinese martial arts.

Ziyun has been invited to teach in multiple countries and regions, spreading and promoting the tradition of Zen (Chan) Buddhism, amassing over six thousand disciples around the world. In 2014, he founded the Songshan art studio(嵩山画驿), and his artworks have been featured in national tours such as the “Shifang Mountain Wind”(十方山风全国巡展) and the Mountain Wind Exhibition(山风展) at the Today Art Museum(今日美术馆), as well as in the Mountain Wind art book(山风画册) published the same year, and in Dunhuang Art(敦煌美术) and Oriental Art · Master(东方艺术·大家).

From 2016 to the present, he has held solo exhibitions and published personal collections of calligraphy and paintings in various countries including Russia (at the Dimitrovgrad Art Museum, Russia), the United Kingdom (London), Italy (Milan), Spain (Madrid), Argentina, and also within China. In 2006, he participated in the filming of the Discovery Channel’s documentary fight aquest, which aired on China Central Television’s Channel 10.

In 2018, he took part in the filming of the documentary Belong to the Mountain(山兽). In 2019, he participated in the documentary project Kung Fu Boy, winning an Excellence Award at 2020 “My China Story” International Short Video Competition, and in 2023, the documentary he participated in won the Best Long Video Award at the United Nations Chinese Language Day & The Third Chinese Language Video Festival.  

He currently serves as the head of the Songshan International Zen Retreat Center, the principal of the Songshan art studio, a traditional Chinese culture consultant at the Kunlun Fight World Combat Sports Center and a chief Zen mentor at the Bank of China.

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